In-Situ Bioremediation of Drains:

Most cities have not grown in a planned way like Chandigarh or Mohali where in situ bioremediation is already done,  resulting in multiple issues related to waste water. One of the common issues that plagues all cities is proper treatment of raw sewage water. This leads to pollution of groundwater aquifers, water bodies like lakes and rivers and also becomes the cause of vector born diseases.

Though multiple STPs (Sewage Treatment Plants) have been set up by Municipal Corporations they have still not addressed the problem fully which is where our sewage treatment service comes into use. Many STPs do not function properly owing to design or maintenance issues and in many places STPs cannot be set up owing to cost, logistics or cultural issues. Thus, pollution goes on unabated, albeit to a lesser degree.

In-situ bio-remediation is rapidly growing as a solution to reduce the pollution load in a flowing drain. Linking treated sewage for use in non-potable areas like watering parks, road dividers, car wash, replenishing lakes and ponds is vital for conserving our most precious resource.

With the help of Biomimicry, we thought of a novel way to treat wastewater while it is flowing in the drains itself, otherwise called in-situ bio-remediation of drains. Our novel technology mimics the self-cleansing process of rivers through multiple ways. This method will help in the following ways:

Contact Us

Biomatix Eco Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
16 Pritam Road, Dalanwala,
Dehradun (UK) - 248001

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